EcoStretch™ powered by Nano VpCI®, Patent Pending 

EcoStretch™ powered by Nano VpCI®, Patent Pending

EcoStretch™ powered by Nano VpCI® is a revolutionary machine-grade stretch wrap film that combines commercially compostable resins with the ultimate in Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor Technology (VpCI®) for metals protection. EcoStretch™ is perfect for stretch-wrapping metal equipment or components that need to be kept rust-free while minimizing the environmental impact of traditional plastic packaging. EcoStretch™ is commercially compostable* and may avoid tariffs, fines, and tip fees in areas where polyethylene is prohibited or restricted. EcoStretch™ is shelf and curb stable and will retain its integrity until disposed of properly.

Available in 1.5 mil (38.1 μm) thickness and 20” (50.8 cm) or 30” (76.2 cm) widths as individually boxed rolls or cradle packed pallets.
To ensure best product performance, store in original packaging, indoors, and out of direct sunlight at 40-100 °F (4-38 °C).
Shelf life: 2 years

Product data sheet (pdf)


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